Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Spring is here. The flowers are blooming.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Glass Glob Project

The stained glass "glob project" is progressing but 
at a rather slow rate.
It keeps getting changed...first one thing then another. 
The final (?), I hope, revision has been done and the  
panel has been wrapped in foil and is ready to solder.
If there are any more changes they had better happen right now. When I start the soldering I do not want to change anything else.  I will post a finished photo.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Shop Photo

My really well-organized workstation.........LOL.
When working in a too small space everything tends to get cluttered.
My work area is spread out over several parts of the former photo
studio.  I am looking forward to the time when it can be all together and better organized.
But this works for now.

Here you can see my latest project on the work board.
I will show you a close-up photo and write more about this panel later.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Happy Mistake

Well, this sure did not end up the way I had planned for it.
The original plan had rondels going up and down in the center space.
Somehow, when I saw it that way, it just did not look right.
So a different center was added with the hanging jewel, the red waterglass edging and the heavily textured glass in the very center.
Just goes to show that we need to be open to new inspiration as we work. You will never really know what you can do if you don't allow yourself to be open to all ideas.
Yes, I am going to do the other idea with the rondels
as soon as I figure out how I want to do it.
And Yes, this has been added to my Etsy store.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Flower Bevel Panel #2

OK, I made another one.  Smaller this time and a bit less expensive.
The first one did not last very long. Sold within 2 weeks of being displayed.
This one is about 1/2 the size of the first one...and about 1/2 the price.
I wonder how long this one will last.
Yes, I put it on my Etsy site.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Amber Waterglass Panel

I was sitting around thinking about all the things
I could do with the new box of bevels that just
arrived.  I just love sales, don't you?
Anyway, I now have a lot of different sized
bevels and was looking for ways to use them.
A bit of Waterglass in a rich amber...
and a lot of new bevels.
Yes, it is on my Etsy site for sale.   Enjoy!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Few Bevels For Fun

These are really cool in my window. A bit of sunlight hits them and the room just glows with the prism effect all around. Little rainbows accent every wall and the windows just sparkle.
I had the bevels out working on another project and decided that it would be fun to make a few of these small panels. By using 2" bevels around the outside and in the center with a 1" accent surround of red water glass or gold glue chip glass I was able to make some simple yet very decorative small panels.

They have both been listed on my Etsy site which you can find in the sidebar.