Monday, March 12, 2012

Purple Bevel Panel

I brought this purple glass home from the antique mall, where it had been just a piece of sheet glass in a frame, a week or so ago.  Not sure what to do with it but knew that it did not belong there.  From the front, with no backlight, it looks very dark almost black, it seemed to be saying: "I dare you to find a place for me!"  It obviously needed to lighten up a bit and I decided to help it.
The strong lines formed by the bevels almost force the viewer's eye into the panel. This brings the necessary light to the dark glass and creates a stunning window piece.
This piece is now available to purchase on my Etsy site.
You will find the link in the right sidebar.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Purple Plate Panel

12" x12" Plate Panel
A recent trip to an antique mall turned up this plate along with several others.
I bought them, not knowing quite what I would do with them.  I liked the patterns and the fact that they are old....hmmm, there must be something that I can do with them.  So, over coffee this morning, I started playing with color and texture.
Looking for some glass that would complement this plate.  A lightly textured royal purple and some heavier textured glue chip in princely gold.  
Corner bevels for accent, a  fine black patina, wash, polish, 
add the hanging chain, and we have a really nice way 
to preserve and share this antique plate.
A family heirloom has been created. 

This piece is available for purchase in my Etsy store in the right sidebar.

Blue Butterfly Bevel

Blue Butterfly Bevel

I know, the butterflies are not here yet but I am looking forward to them.
So, yesterday afternoon I made this panel.  A butterfly etched diamond bevel with 2 square bevels turned on point, surrounded by a nice rich blue cathedral glass. Really a very nice piece.
     Latest News:  This piece has SOLD already !!   Thank you!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Afternoon Abstract

Abstracts are fun and easy to make.  This, a tribute to spring is
6 1/2" round and done in a light green textured glass.  
Glass "globs" are added around a hollow centerpiece.  
It is finished in a rich black patina with a black zinc edge.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spring Glass Panel

A friend asked yesterday if I had gotten out in the nice warm weather.
Think about it,  the last day of Feb and it was almost 70* here in
southwestern Ohio.  It has been a record-setting winter for us.
But no, I could not get out to enjoy the nice day....the glass
projects call...and the clients are waiting.
Since I was in the studio anyway, I decided to make my own
spring flower. I found a nice light spring leaf green glass for the background
and a tulip bevel as a center piece....add some golden glue chip with red
iridescent accents and 1" square bevels at the corners, and  Voila!
Almost as good as being outside....almost.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Welcome To My Shop

Welcome To My Shop

After several weeks of putting it off, I have taken some time just to work on my blog.

I  have been a glass artist off and on for over 30 years. 
My first exposure to glass art came when my father commissioned a local artist to make our front door into a piece of custom glass art.  I was hooked!  Seeing the light as it came in through the new door and sidelights. Being outside on a crisp autumn evening and seeing the warm glow sparkle from inside the house.  Yep, hooked!
From then on, I have loved the art of glass.
Over the years I have taken and taught a lot of glass classes while I made a living as a photographer.  Many times I would create an image with the camera just because it would make a great glass panel.
Fast forward a bit: I am now at a point in my life when I am able to devote more of my time to the art of glass. I no longer photograph weddings or commercial work. I now teach photography and mostly photograph landscapes. 
The time pressure is off and I can relax a bit.
Therefore, I have a lot more time to work as a glass artist.  A sizable portion of the photo studio has now become a glass studio and the glasswork is beginning to flow from it.
I hope that you enjoy seeing the work and the blog.